“He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD.” Psalm 112:7
Hehe heyyy:) Welcome back to another faithful Friday! I’m so thankful you’re here, and I’m almost positive you’ll be able to relate quite well to today’s topic. I remember VERY distinctly times in which I was connected with Christ the most: hardships. Tragedies. Obstacles. Anything that gave me a really difficult time, I would be speaking actively in prayer THE MOST. Though it is very important and helpful to talk to God during our challenges, it is just as important to be as connected to him during our everyday lives.
This happens to me alllllll the time. I’ll go to an AMAZING bible study, overflowing with the spirit of the word, ringing with love for God. I’ll come home extremely enthusiastic, so ready for the next one. BUT during the time in-between those studies, during the week, I lose my drive for studying the word, and ultimately dropping in excitement for how great our God is. I am utterly ashamed of this routine of mine, which is why I’m writing to express the issue.
I see it a lot in large amount of other Christians I talk to, and although it is a big challenge to keep up with our faithfulness and enrichment of God’s word, it is SO vital to our well-being and relationship with Christ. The verse above reads, “He is not afraid of bad news…” This is because he who puts his trust in the Lord for all of his days, is automatically more prepared for obstacles and hardships than he who only seeks the word of God during the hard times. It is what it is!!! My hardships brought me so much closer to God, but then it seemed to have been absent while my life got easier in a different way.
My teen years at home were the hardest days of my life. Without a doubt. I would wake up to the sun rising and wish it went back down. I would stay in bed, weary on exiting my bedroom to be attacked by my parents words and jabs at me. Feeling worthless and unloved, I turned to God. He was the epitome of healing for me. He was my only parent at the time. Now that I have this wonderful, loving family, I have unfortunately lost touch with my conversations with the Lord. In saying this, though, I’m working on talking to him ESPESCIALLY in the good times; he took care of me during those hardships, and he most definitely is taking care of me during the amazing days I get to have now.
Before you go to bed tonight, I want you to do him a favor. Talk. Conversate. Pray to him about your struggles, yes, but more importantly your gratitude for the endless amount of blessings he’s given you. Praise him for the good life you’ve got. Don’t take his love for granted and only worship when you feel like it. The least we can do for him is reach out at the end and beginning of our days to let him know we’re thankful for him. You woke up today, and that’s a blessing in itself. Praise the Lord!! Be excited to take on your days knowing you’ve got the best father possible. I hope you guys have a productive upcoming week, and don’t forget to be active in your faith on the good days. See you next Friday!