“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” – John 5:24
Hehe heyyy:) Welcome to another post! I’m so grateful you’re here! For a long while, actually, this topic has had a special place in my heart. Recently it REALLY stuck out to me, and I thought it would be helpful to share. How many times have you heard phrases like, “Life is short”, or “You only live once”? Personally, I have heard this about a million times. Unfortunately, this phrase is passed around A LOT when people are trying to coax you into doing something stupid. I speak from experience! I can’t tell you how many times I tried to defend my actions with that same phrase. TODAY I’m here to inform you that this recurring, false statement can lead you to an uneasy, unfaithful headspace.
When I observe areas where this phrase is used the most, I can find it in parties, in peer pressure situations, in thrill seeking, and basically in anything that is risky and not completely safe. Though I do think it is important to live this life to the fullest, there is no point in time in which we Christians have an ending. There is no BOOM darkness. There is no end to our light. Our God has provided us with eternal life through his glory! I forget this sometimes, and I tend to act spontaneously, leading me to regret. This phrase can make us act without thinking about the big picture. The REALITY. Those of us who believe God is our creator will live a FOREVER life with him, a never ending celebration of his love.
Although it is perceived in different ways, the phrase, “Life is short”, has led me to overlook the promise that God gave us all. Not only did he give us a chance of rebirth, a cleanse of our sins, but he also provided us with this beautiful, everlasting relationship with him in heaven. To act with no acknowledgement to this, is a sin we all commit day by day. Insignificant, irrational, and ultimately meaningless decisions weed their way in when we turn our intuition off. When we are about to do something we don’t want to, or when we are about to do something we KNOW will badly affect us in the long run, we rationalize it by saying, “You only live once.”
I know that it is something new for some of you to think about, and that is totally understandable! Coming from someone who had and STILL has this struggle sometimes, it is challenging to plan out and execute our actions in effective ways. A lot of times I will say something or do something that I did NOT think about before doing so. You are not alone in acting without a purpose, but we have ALL got to keep this promise of his in mind.
My advice to you all tonight is to really give yourself some time to think about God’s promise. If we believe in his word and that he is the creator of us all, we are ALL granted eternal life with him. FOREVER. We have an endless amount of time to make a life for ourselves, why rush into things without giving a little extra thought into it? I really encourage you all to visualize this infinite journey before falling for meaningless phrases like the ones we discussed. I know what it feels like to give excuses for irrational, unthought out decisions, and I know it is an uneasy feeling. When we have faith in this eternal life, we are less likely to give into those spontaneous, dangerous choices. I hope you all can take this into your upcoming week, and am so glad you took the time to read! Thank you so much for joining me today, and I’ll check in with you next week:)