“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” proverbs 14:30
Hehe heyyy! Welcome to another post! I’m so glad you came for a read. Today’s faithful Friday can be a learning lesson for US ALL. We’ve all been there. We’ve all thought about it, and YES, we can all cut down on it. ENVY. JEALOUSY. COMPARISON. These can all be found in our lives at some point in time. Our hearts always long for MORE, greedy for the next best thing. A recurring sin that we make is comparing our lives with others; whether it be what they have and what we don’t, or what they look like vs what we look like. We can ALL say we’ve pinned ourselves against others.
I, myself, still have issues with comparing myself sometimes with the stereotypical “beauty” our society claims we need to look like. I can fortunately say, though, that it is RARE that I am jealous of another person. Like the verse above reads, a heart at peace gives LIFE to the body. The Lord has created such beautiful, wonderful beings. Although she’s beautiful, does NOT mean that you aren’t!!! I cannot say this enough. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard, “Gosh, she makes me look like trash!” Or, “If my boyfriend finds another girl attractive, we are DONE.” There is PLENTY of room for more than one person to be beautiful on this earth. If you find someone has great physical traits, good for them! Celebrate their beauty! Do not take yourself down for their qualities.
Our society really needs to steer their hearts to praising not only themselves, but others! The verse above reads, “…But envy rots the bones.” How many negative news articles, social media comments, and or messages have you read? Too many to count. This world is crumbling, I’m discovering, and a lot has to do with jealousy. Yearning to be someone else. When I see someone ANYWHERE that has something great going for them, I never fail to remind them! This can be such a light in someone’s day. Envy soils so many things that could be positive! Never hesitate to tell someone what you like about them!
Another example of envy I see a lot, is in relationships. LET ME INFORM YOU: If they did not like you, they would NOT be with you. Obviously you have SOMETHING going for you if they have not broken up with you. Now, I’m not saying cheating is okay AT ALL, but please be aware that jealousy and insecurities in relationships can only end in chaos!!! It is crazy how much envy can end something so great. Jealousy REALLY just brings out the insecurities you have about yourself. I encourage you to dig deep when you think someone is better than you, and remind yourself how wonderfully God made you. Why question his work? The qualities you hate most about yourself, he loves. So just take a minute before comparing yourself to others to reflect on exactly WHO made you!!!
To wrap up this rant of mine, EMBRACE others highs! Applaud their victories, and LIFT them up when they’ve got something going for them! You, too, have something that is lovable, so it is only RIGHT to celebrate people around you! This is a topic that truly can change your life, if you can just take some time to practice supporting others rather than being jealous of them. I hope you can take something from this spill of mine, and I will catch up with you next week! Thanks for coming hehe! :))