"To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Last week felt like the longest year of my life.
From working 24/7, to the piles and piles of school work I had, I thought I was going to quite literally explode. Have you ever felt like your brain has exceeded its capability limits? Well, you could say I functioned at work for an extra four hours after I had already felt like my brain was jello. If you do a strenuous activity, have teachers who LOVE homework, or are simply on your grind day and night until you can't remember the alphabet, pushing through the massive brain fatigue can seem impossible. Sometimes, I'll wake up, still fogged over and exhausted from the day before, and I'll immediately close my eyes and I'll sit there, forgetting I'll probably end up falling asleep on accident.
Where I'm getting at with this, is that God gives us each "seasons". These seasons are sometimes feeling never ending at times, but they all have a specific reason or purpose for their lengths and difficulties. Different seasons have a different piece for the plan God has for you. For example, some might say, "Good Lord. 2020 was the worst year of my life. Where's 2021?" And frankly, 2020 was an awful year for a lot of people, however, just like all the other hardships placed in our lives, it had a season. It came and it went, and you either came out refreshed and ready for a new start, thankful you can go into the grocery store without having to wear a mask haha, OR you came out dwelling on the loss during the pandemic.
`The Lord knows what he's doing. The challenges, though sometimes seemingly impossible, never truly stop. A lot of us always say, "If it's not one thing, it's another." Expressing that there's always a new obstacle to be jumped. There's always a storm, though some are smaller than others. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has our seasons. We are similar in this way. However, what sets the strong apart from the weak, is how we come out of them, and how we approach the next ones.
God would not give us a season in which we could not handle; from each we receive, we also are given room to improve, toughen up, and ultimately gain experience for the next season to come. This has been a hard lesson for me to handle, and still is; it can get increasingly harder to push through when you're feeling burnt out, but I promise when you push harder, you'll come out ready to conquer any challenge. This week, I challenge you to take on your obstacles with a different motivation. With a different thought. A lot of us have that recurring voice in our brain that tells us to stop when it hurts, or stop when we're tired. Those moments where you feel like you can't take anymore, but YOU DO, are the ultimate area for growing. This upcoming week, take on your challenges with this thought in mind: "I can do anything with the strength of the Lord backing me up day by day. his is just another season. This, too, will pass, and I know this is true, because God would not give me this challenge if I couldn't handle it."
We're all a lot stronger than we think, but with the strength and love we get from God on the daily, we are truly unstoppable with the right mindset. I hope today's post spoke to you in some way, and gives you a little boost to keep pushing when it seems impossible. Thank you guys for reading, and I'll catch up with you next week:)