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Kill em’ with Kindness:)

“A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.” proverbs 11:17

Hehe heyyy:) Welcome back to another post! Thanks so much for coming for a read! Today’s topic is a pretty recurring one in society these days, and is talked about A LOT. However, we will forever have an issue with it, because some may never change their ways. Today, I’ll be giving a little insight as to why being kind to even UNKIND people is the right thing to do, and why it will leave you with a happy heart in the end.

Just the other day at work, I caught myself saying, “Is it so hard to be kind?” To my coworkers after this group of teens walked in with SUPER snooty attitudes. It made me very irritated and honestly angry! Being one of my biggest pet peeves, it was very difficult to brush off their energy, until they left. I became very irritable after that, and just questioned why they were the way they were. It REALLY got me thinking at the end of the day, though, about how much a reaction they got out of me. They inflicted a big mood change on my shift, and I let it happen! I thought about how I regretted being snooty back, and wished I fought back with kindness vs negativity.

In the verse above, it reads, “A man who is kind benefits himself…” This refers to how when we are kind to others, good DOES come out of it for everyone! You are left with a good heart and feel better about your reaction to other’s behavior, and the outside environment is left with your kindness vs your negativity or short temper. Being kind to unkind people honestly is a stronger, more mature reaction, rather than being petty and childlike to get a rise out each other.

Next, the verse reads, “…But a cruel man hurts himself.” Honestly, the world does not give you everything you want! God will put you through tests, so that you can ultimately callous your mind, character, and overall well-being. The weak will react back to any negative energy with the same negative energy they receive. However, the strong will react in a mature, calm way, giving others better energy than they received. This shows truly who you are, and can really portray how strong you can be when put in a hard situation.

Although it is a lot easier said than done, try and fight back whatever comes your way WITH KINDNESS! Whatever it takes, do not fight back with the same immature, petty energy they may give you. I promise you in the end, you will be left a lot happier than those who react quickly and without thought. The Lord has so much patience for us, and we should absolutely follow in his footsteps to make this world a much better place! Have some patience, empathy, and compassion for others. It’s what he would do, so therefore, we should, too! Thanks so much for coming to read, and I hope you got something out of today’s post! See you next week hehe!


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