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“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” brian tracy

Hehe heyyy:) I’m so glad you’re here! Today’s post has been in my head for the past week, and it has been a part of my agenda to tackle! Has there ever been an experience in your life that made your stomach sooo nervous? Has there been something that made you crazy uncomfy and led you to pick at scabs or bite at your nails? If you answered yes to these questions, I can easily agree with you! There are SO many times where I have felt like I was gonna PUKE with nerves! Though this sounds like a bad thing and like it would need to be avoided, these situations are VITAL to building both growth and tolerance for whatever comes your way. We never know what God has planned, so might as well be prepared for anything!

Sometimes I feel like instead of those little butterflies we all talk about getting, I resonate nerves with a whopping WASP NEST sitting right smack in my stomach. It’s almost like I get SICK with the worry I carry around about the smallest things. I tend to create fake scenarios, including the absolute WORST things that could possibly happen if I exit my comfort bubble. You could probably conclude that I MYSELF, am my worst obstacle.


~SO…I used to run track in middle school, and my event was the hurdles. In saying this, the first step in training was JUMPING OVER the first one. Picture this: There are about seven guys/girls behind me, waiting to RUN these hurdles. I am standing in the front, since it is my turn now to go, attempting to JUMP OVER THE FIRST ONE. It took me a whole entire hour of biting my nails and imagining myself cracking my neck and falling over it in order to finally achieve the first hurdle.

~AT ANY POINT anybody would look at me, let’s say at the mall, and they would not smile back at me when I did, I assumed the worst. I fixated on their opinion of me, drawing conclusions that I was the WORST and that whoever looked at me the way they did, hated me. EVEN WHEN I did not even know them, my stomach would curl up into a nervous ball of worry, and honestly ended up giving me nervous poops. ONE LOOK and I was done for. The nerves got the absolute best of me!

Where I am getting at with this rant, is that whatever the situation may be, your anxiety is NOT bigger than you. Despite what I’ve thought in the past about my nerves and anxiety being unable to control, my viewpoints and experiences have shaped my thinking that only I control what success I have. It is only when WE ARE OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE that we truly excel. Living in a tiny bubble with zero challenges coming your way, will keep you at level one. Point of no progress. Point of no breakthroughs. You will stay there, until you make the decision to make a change. Today, do something different! Do something that you would never do, but you know that you would get 1 percent better at if you did. Thank you guys so much for being here, and I hope you enjoyed! I’ll catch up with you Friday!

MWUAH!!! 💋


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