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Protect Your Peace.

"Even the compassion of the wicked is cruel." Proverbs 12:10

The people you surround yourself with MATTER.

Have you ever stopped to think about the way your family and friends treat you? Do you think that they treat you with respect, kindness, and support? Or are you trying to ignore the way they speak to you, just because they've done a few really good things for you? To be frank, I have been in this battle a thousand times...finding people who have done some good for me, but the way they treat me makes me uneasy. Nevertheless, they did a handful of really awesome things for I should ignore it, right?

Let's say I do, and I have before. I would start to feel more and more insecure about myself, and the words they say to me gradually sink in deeper and deeper, becoming my inner voice. Think about this. Once you surround yourself with people that have either passively or blatantly shown you that they don't have your best interest at heart, the energy they create can truly be contagious after a certain amount of time. Like a really bad, toxic disease, their qualities can very easily rub off on you, making you question, "Am I really what they say I am?". Though it can be challenging, we have to observe the people we surround ourselves with. Do they walk with Christ? Do they make me feel unworthy of love? Do they show obvious toxic qualities, but since they were nice to me a HANDFUL of times, am I going to keep being around them?

Coming from someone who has been through this with not only friends, but my whole entire family, talking with God through the battle of finding your people is vital. We have to be honest with ourselves, knowing that we deserve a lot better treatment than we think. Those stories we all have about being the one friend in the group who gets pushed off the sidewalk, or left alone in the bathroom, or not invited to take pictures with your friends... are simply minor beginnings to how bad it can get. The Lord warns us about decievement within people or things that seemingly are meant for you, seemingly are supposed to happen, SEEMINGLY are supposed to be your family. But truthfully, the labels and names do not define anything. Until they portray actions that suggest they are worthy of your time, you do not HAVE TO do anything for them. You are not forced to be friends with someone. You're not even tied down to the family you were born into! We have to determine who God wants us to surround ourselves with, and listen to what he is telling us.

Though it took me 17 almost 18 years to figure out my family was not actually my family, God has consistently showed me sign after sign, that he was right in what he spoke to me during my time in my childhood home. I would pray and pray, pleading so many questions to make for certain what I wanted was right, and he never once showed me my conscience was wrong. Although it was a hard battle to fight, I had to dig deep and realize I'm worth more than I am told. We all are! We were created by an unfailing, perfect Father who knows exactly what we need and deserve. Honestly! Once you surround yourself with the right people, you'll start to believe that, too.

I hope you guys found some comfort in today's post, and I hope it spoke to you in some way! You each are special and deserve to be around others that raise you up high, cheering you on in any way possible. God will guide you in the direction you need to be, and he will provide you with the loving people you need. He will always find a way to show you, no matter how long it may take, signs of reassurance that you're in the right place. I challenge you this week to truly channel the way he speaks to you, and honestly ask yourself... are you worth more than what people say? Do you deserve better? Could the place you've been in for so long actually not be the right one? Are you meant for something bigger and better? Talk to God and ask of signs to make for certain you are. Though his plans for us are unknown, they are so much more perfect and greater than we could ever imagine.

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